
New spring makeup

  In the last few weeks we added a lot of new makeup products in our routine and today we will show you three of them: two foundations and a blush. Milani Illuminating Face Powder (shade Beauty’s Touch 03) was on our wish list for a while- we saw it so many times at our favorite beauty gurus. And how to stay away from this product that looks like a rose bouquet? It looks simply…

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Beauty UK goodies {review}

Today we have for you a „pink post”: we’ll talk about the Beauty UK cosmetics and we will show you some swatches of the products. Astazi avem pentru voi o postare colorata cu mult roz, asa cum ne place noua. Vom vorbi despre produsele cosmetice de la Beauty UK si va vom arata si swatch-uri ale lor pentru a va face o idee despre acest brand in caz ca nu ati incercat inca nimic de…

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Benecos makeup products {review}

Lately we’ve noticed that the number of women who use organic or natural makeup products increased and the market for these ranges is growing and they are improving all the time in terms of their formulations and color palette. But are these products good or just good ingredients? Well, from our experience we can tell you that in terms of efficiency, there aren’t differences between organic makeup products and the usual ones. Sure, for a…

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Ofra Cosmetics: haul and review

De cele mai multe ori nu judec produsele dupa ambalaj si nu pun mare pret pe acest lucru, insa se intampla de multe ori „sa-mi ia ochii” cate un ambalaj colorat frumos sau, dimpotriva, unul negru si elegant. Asa s-a intamplat si cu produsele Ofra Cosmetics, de cand le-am vazut ambalajul classy prima oara m-am indragostit si mi-am facut sperante in legatura cu calitatea lor si speram sa nu fiu dezamagita dupa ce testez produsele.…

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Annika Maya blush review

Pana acum un an si ceva foloseam blush-ul ocazional, doar cand ma mergeam intr-un loc mai „important”, insa apoi m-am indragostit iremediabil de acest produs. Astazi pur si simplu nu mai concep niciun machiaj fara blush, deoarece fata pare mai luminoasa, mai proaspata si parca ofera un look mai inocent 🙂 Il iubesc atat de mult incat, atunci cand nu am timp, prefer sa aplic blush-ul in locul fondului de ten (mai ales ca tenul…

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