
5 years of AnotherSide Of Me { part I }

You know the classic question for a job interview: „Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Well, if someone put us this question five years ago when we started blogging, definitely we haven’t imagine that we will get where we are today.  At first, Dorina started blogging because as a Journalism student, she loves to write and wanted to do something else than news, so she created a small (online) corner, where wrote her…

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Impresii de la Workshop-ul Oriflame

Daca tot v-am vorbit zilele trecute despre experienta nu foarte placuta de la Digital Divas, astazi o sa va povestim despre un eveniment unde ne-am simtit foarte bine si de la care am plecat cu foarte multe cunostinte in ceea ce priveste strategiile de social media si blogging. E vorba de workshop-ul organizat de Oriflame pentru bloggerii castigatori in campania The One Colective a celor de la Blogal Initiative. Inca de dimineata, cand am ajuns…

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Road trip {Sibiu}

If you ever come in Romania, you really need to visit Sibiu, one of the most important cultural centers of Romania. The streets are long and narrow with small city squares at places. The architecture is rather rustic, but Sibiu features a parade of architectural styles. You must visit the Large Square, the Council Tower, the Bridge of Lies, the Brukenthal Museum, Evangelical Church and all the monuments in this area. On Friday we had…

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Happy New Year!

It is quite insane how fast time flies. The year is coming to an end and it’s time to reflect on the past year and give thanks. We just wanna say a big thank you to everyone who is following our blog, it means very much for us. It’s time for resolutions, for plans, for big goals, because now everything seems possible. We are happy as kids thinking at new projects for our blog .…

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Four years of blogging

[EN]: Four years ago I hit the „Publish” button for the first time. Seems like yesterday…. My blog turns 4 years old, it´s amazing! I just can’t believe that four years ago I started this adventure that changed my life. Four wonderful years in which I had the chance to meet amazing people and I make new friends, I took part in some wonderful events, I developed my personal style and in which I learned…

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