
Nivea Protect&Care event

NIVEA has recently launched a new range of deodorants, Protect & Care, inspired by NIVEA Creme. The new Protect &Care deodorants contain the best of NIVEA Creme, the famous blue tin that we all know, as it became the symbol of the brand. Protect &Care provides care for sensitive armpits, but also effective protection against perspiration. Deodorants are also available for men, NIVEA MEN with a modern and masculine fragrance. The new NIVEA deodorants are…

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Favoritele lunii februarie {Ro only}

Cu o mica intarziere, am publicat favoritele lunii pe Youtube.  Luna aceasta am fost extrem de punctuale si am filmat favoritele chiar la sfarsitul lui februarie, dar din pacate, primul filmulet a fost out of focus si nici lumina nu era grozava, asa ca a trebuit sa filmam din nou. La fel s-a intamplat si cu doua tag-uri, insa nu ne dam batute 🙂 Afara a inceput sa se lumineze mai tarziu si sa fie…

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Miss Manga Mega Volume Mascara {Review +Demo}

Ieri v-am aratat in postarea cu Favoritele Lunii mascara L’oreal Paris Miss Manga Mega Volume si v-am promis ca o sa revenim cu review.  Si am revenit. Mult mai repede decat va asteptati probabil 🙂 Doream de mult timp sa facem review, insa mereu am tot amanat deoarece nu aveam lumina buna sa facem fotografii. Oricum, dupa cum o sa observati, numarul fotografiilor e direct proportional cu entuziasmul nostru fata de acest produs. Si a…

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Let the warmth of the sun follow me

Today I’m showing you a perfect outfit for the weekend. Although, I don’t think we’ll go out because it started snowing again and it’v very cold, you can get inspired for another weekend when the weather will be nicer.  Lately I haven’t been able to take photos cause it’s too cold and our hands freeze on camera. Not to mention the rain, mud and puddles. However, a few weeks ago we had a super  weather…

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Youtube, here we come

Hi, girls! As we’ve told you on Instagram, tonight we have a big, big surprise for you: our first video with Julie from Pink Wish. The video is in Romanian, but soon we might film in English, too. Although we  filmed this video last summer as you will see, we didn’t upload it. We didn’t knew how to use an editing program and after a few weeks we forget it in a folder. But in…

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