
Complete Escape

We always loved crime novels, mystery movies ( we are huge fans of the Sherlock Holmes series), not to say as teenagers we were addicted to hidden objects PC games.

We are sure that many of you like mystery, so just imagine how it would be if the mysterious scenarios come to life and happen in reality, and you would be the protagonists? Well, this actually happens at Complete Escape, the real-life game exit. Adrenaline, mystery, a little horror, suspense and a lot of fun- all this for an hour at Complete Escape.

Complete Escape it’s a real escape game in which you are locked in a room and you must escape in 60 minutes by solving various mysteries with friends, finding clues and discovering hidden secrets. Basically it’s a test of logic, intelligence, observation, and teamwork.

You can choose between two rooms: The Maze Room and Upside Down Room. We previously tested other escape rooms but Maze Room is completely different from what we saw so far. We can’t reveal the secret but we can tell you that you will not regret one second if you choose to go to Complete Escape. What’s it like to run a real-life escape room? We were super excited, we were scared, we panicked, we screamed and we were having super fun, it was an unique experience.

Unfortunately, we didn’t escape, we were so close, but so far away. We’ll have our revenge on Upside Down Room cause we heard it’s a little easier to escape. Anyway, we had so much fun that now, a few days after the visit to Complete Escape we still talk about it.

We chose to wear super comfy outfits and we were very inspired to do that because we were prepared for the challenges of the game 🙂 We wore custom shirts made by Alina from La Dolce Vita Lifestyle, comfy trainers from Ami Club Wear and our Soufeel charm bracelets to increase our luckiness 🙂

De cand ne stim adoram romanele politiste, filmele cu mister – suntem mari fane ale seriei Sherlock Holmes, ca sa nu mai spunem ca in adolescenta eram dependente de jocurile pe PC cu gasit obiecte ascunse si descifrat mistere.

Presupunem ca multi dintre voi va regasiti in randurile de mai sus, asa ca va propunem un mic exercitiu de imaginatie. Cum ar fi ca scenariile misterioase sa prinda viata si sa se intample in realitate, iar voi sa fiti protagonistii? Ei bine, acest lucru chiar se intampla la Complete Escape, care nu degeaba se subintituleaza the real-life exit game.

Adrenalina, mister, putina groaza, suspans si multa distractie- toate astea le simti timp de o ora la Complete Escape, mai ales daca alegi The Maze Room.

Ce e Complete Escape Room?

Este un joc de evadare real in care esti inchis intr-o camera si trebuie sa evadezi in 60 de minute, rezolvand impreuna cu prietenii diverse mistere, gasind indicii si descoperind secrete ascunse. Practic e o proba de logica, perspicacitate, inteligenta si observatie, dar si de lucru in echipa.

La Complete Escape puteti alege una din cele doua camere: #TheMazeRoom si #UpsideDownRoom. Noi am mai testat pana acum jocurile de evadare, insa vrem sa va spunem ca Maze Room/Labirintul e complet diferita de ceea ce vazusem pana acum, nu degeaba are un grad de dificultate mai mare 🙂 Nu putem sa va dezvaluim Secretul Labirintului, insa va spunem clar ca nu veti regreta nicio secunda daca alegeti sa mergeti la Complete Escape. Noi, Julie si Diana am fost super entuziasmate, am tipat, ne-am speriat, ne-am panicat si ne-am super distrat, totul a fost o experienta unica.

Din pacate, nu am reusit sa evadam, am fost so close, but so far away, cum ar zice englezii, insa am promis sa ne luam revansa in #UpsideDownRoom din care am inteles ca e putin mai usor de evadat. Oricum, ne-am distrat atat de bine incat si la cateva zile dupa vizita de la Complete Escape inca mai vorbim despre asta si planuim urmatoarea vizita la Upside Down.

La Complete Escape se tin si petreceri aniversare si team building-uri, asa ca daca doriti sa faceti o surpriza celor dragi, stiti ce sa le oferiti cadou.

Am ales sa purtam tinute super comode si bine am facut pentru ca am fost pregatite pentru provocarile jocului 🙂 Tricourile personalizate sunt realizate de Alina pe care o gasiti atat pe blogul personal La Dolce Vita Lifestyle, dar si pe site-ul Tshirt Factory sub numele My Petite Giraphe.

Ne plac tare mult, ne reprezinta in totalitate si au iesit exact asa cum ni le-am dorit. Alina e o persoana super draguta si comunicativa, dar mai ales o adevarata profesionista. Noi doar am ales mesajele si ea a facut restul si s-a descurcat de minune. Daca aveti vreo idee, un motto personal sau ceva ce va doriti sa il purtati imprimat pe tricou, nu ezitati sa apelati la ea. Si impreuna cu Alina am pus la cale si un concurs unde puteti castiga 2 tricouri la alegere din magazinul ei online. Detalii gasiti pe pagina de Facebook AnotherSide of Me.

Ati fost pana acum la vreun escape room? Cum vi s-a parut experienta?

custom t-shirts

complete escape
complete escape
complete escape maze room
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tricouri la dolce vita lifestyle
To Blog= to share, to connect, to create, to inspire custom tshirt

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eat sleep blog repeat tshirt
To Blog= to share, to connect, to create, to inspire
To Blog= to share, to connect, to create, to inspire tshirt

eat sleep blog repeat
Dorina&Cristina: Tshirts: La Petite Giraphe;

Photo credit: Pink Wish




  1. May 19, 2016 / 1:27 pm

    Ce faine sunt pozele! Si mesajul e misto! 🙂

    • June 8, 2016 / 8:18 pm

      Multumim. Ne bucuram ca iti plac! :*

  2. May 21, 2016 / 11:53 am

    Avem si noi in oras ceva de genul, abia astept sa ajung acasa sa merg si eu!

    • anotherside_dorina@yahoo.com
      May 22, 2016 / 9:20 pm

      Noua ne-a placut tare mult, ni s-a parut super interesant 😀

    • June 8, 2016 / 8:19 pm

      Multumim frumos, Andra!
      Ne bucuram mult ca iti plac! <3

    • June 8, 2016 / 8:20 pm

      E o experienta super interesanta si e super sa lucrezi in echipa ca sa evadezi 😀
      Te pupam!

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