
Sunflower Hostel Berlin

  After we stayed at a hostel for the first time a few months ago, we discovered that we really like this type of accommodation and for our recent holiday in Berlin we chose Sunflower Hostel. This time we went with our blogger friends Simona and Ramona from Traveling Sisters. We stayed for five days in Berlin and we traveled only with cabin luggage- 2 gorgeous trolley suitcases with Romanian motifs from the Oxygen Life’s…

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Palmers Lodge Swiss Cottage Hostel {review}

  What do you think of when you hear the word hostel? A dorm room with many beds, mess, shared bathrooms, many rowdy and dizzy guys who drink and sing all night? Maybe not all of the above, but anyway, the word hostel in Romania is associated with not so pleasant experiences, ideal for „young adventurers”. Well, to be honest, we didn’t consider hostels an idyllic place for holidays, even though we are not demanding…

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Conacu Boierului- traditional Romanian hospitality at its best

  If you ever plan to visit Romania and experience our food and traditions you should read this post about Conacu Boierului, a wonderful guesthouse in the village Ponoarele. First stop on our way to Conacu Boierului was Targu Jiu. The town is small, but very clean and tidy and here we saw the most beautiful trees in bloom ever! We „checked” the perfect sculptures of Constantin Brancusi: Endless Column, Table of Silence and the…

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Experience Hadar Chalet: a hidden treasure in the middle of the nature

In unele locuri timpul curge mai incet si iti permite sa te deconectezi de la toate, sa uiti de grijile cotidiene si te bucuri de lucrurile marunte. Un astfel de loc retras, in mijlocul padurii, l-am gasit in apropiere de Brasov si poarta un nume cu o rezonanta la fel de frumoasa ca si el: Hadar Chalet. Inca nu ne vine sa credem ca a trecut fix o saptamana de cand ne beam ceaiul in…

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Valley 21- primul complex eco-turistic din Romania

Daca ne urmariti pe Instagram si Facebook probabil stiti ca weekend-ul trecut am fost in press trip la inaugurarea complexului eco-turistic montan Valley 21 in apropiere de localitatea Vama Buzaului, judetul Brasov, o zona pe care nu o stiam si am fost incantate sa o descoperim. A fost cel mai frumos eveniment la care am participat pana acum, lansarea a avut loc in mijlocul naturii, in abruptul nordic al Muntilor Ciucas, pe acordurile Rapsodiei Romane…

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