I have always admired French women for their seemingly effortless ensembles, for their naturalness, that specific je ne sais quoi. One of their key pieces from the ’90s, the beret, made a comeback this season and even if you aren’t aware of trends or you don’t follow the fashion weeks, you certainly saw the beret and the Gavroche cap/basque everywhere in stores.
Although beret and French baguette have been used in recent years as a satire on French society, this chic hat is considered trendy again. Despite its military roots, the beret has long been associated with creatives and hipsters throughout history – they were worn by beatniks, painters, directors and poets as Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, John Lennon, Yoko Ono and Brigitte Bardot.
I admit, I have this white beret for about 3-4 years and I wore it once since I got it because I didn’t wanted to be „different”. Now that it’s trendy I dare to wear it and on this occasion I promised once again that I am going to wear different pieces, whether others have them on the street, I will not care about if I’m considered strange.
The berets enhance – or at the very least change an outfit. Just look at my outfit: I wore a simple knitwear sweater and a pretty midi skirt, but the outfit looks very chic with this head wear.
My beret was just 10 cents, has the price tag and as bonus- it’s from a French brand. Even though beret is still one of the biggest accessories of the moment — over the past few weeks has started dominating Instagram feeds, it seems silly for me to give more than 20 euros at the mall to buy it and wear it a few times per season (at most), so I advise you to browse with confidence the thrift stores, where you can find cheap and high quality items.
It is true that the beret is the perfect accessory this fall, but I have another one: the Pink Circle ring from Ioana Preda. You probably already know that the circle symbolizes perfection and this rose gold ring so simple, but different and elegant, I think it fits perfectly with its geometrical symbolism.
I borrowed the red beret from my best friend, Julie from Pink Wish, she was wearing it when we met, although we didn’t planned this before (great minds think alike 🙂 )
It was hard for me to decide on one of them. What about you? Red or white? 🙂
Mereu am admirat frantuzoaicele pentru stilul lor impecabil care nu pare studiat, pentru naturaletea lor, acel je ne sais quoi specific. Una din piesele lor cheie din anii ’90, bereta, a revenit acum in tendinte si nici macar nu e nevoie sa fiti la curent cu trendurile sau sa urmariti prezentarile de moda pentru ca, cu siguranta, ati vazut-o peste tot in magazine, alaturi de basca Gavroche.
Desi bereta si basca alaturi de baghetele frantuzesti au fost folosite in ultimii ani ca o satira la adresa societatii franceze, iata ca acum a revenit in tendinte si e considerata din nou chic. Desi la baza a avut origini militare, bereta a fost asociata de-a lungul timpului cu persoanele creative cu profesii liberale (freelanceri cum le-am zice acum), precum pictori, regizori, poeti ca Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, John Lennon, Yoko Ono and Brigitte Bardot.
Recunosc, eu imi tin bereta la „naftalina” de vreo 3-4 ani, daca nu mai mult, si am purtat-o o singura data de cand am luat-o pentru ca mi se parea „diferita” pentru a iesi cu ea pe strada. Acum ca e in tendinte mi-am facut si eu curaj sa o port pe-a mea si cu ocazia asta mi-am promis inca o data ca o sa port piese diferite, indiferent daca le au si altii pe strada sau nu si nu o sa imi mai pese daca se uita „lumea” ciudat la mine.
Bereta mea a fost doar 50 de bani-a avut si eticheta- si bonus e si de la o firma frantuzeasca. Mi se pare aiurea sa dai in jur de 15-20 de euro in mall pe un accesoriu pe care il porti de cateva ori pe sezon (cel mult), asa ca va sfatuiesc sa cautati cu incredere prin second hand-uri, unde sunt si foarte ieftine si calitative.
E drept ca bereta e accesoriul perfect toamna asta, insa eu mai am unul: inelul Pink Circle de la Ioana Preda. Probabil stiti deja ca, cercul simbolizeaza perfectiunea, iar acest inel rose gold atat de simplu, dar diferit si elegant, mi se pare ca se potriveste perfect cu simbolistica acestei forme geometrice. Pe site gasiti multe alte inele si bijuterii din argint, iar daca sunteti din Bucuresti va sfatuiesc sa mergeti la showroom-ul Ioanei, care arata dreamy, demn de Pinterest, si va va oferi o experienta completa.
Bereta rosie am imprumutat-o de la prietena mea, Julie, care o purta si ea in aceeasi zi, desi nu ne vorbisem (great minds think alike).
Mi-a fost greu sa ma decid la una din ele. Voua care va place mai mult? 🙂
Midi Skirt;
Sweater: Romwe;
Ring: Ioana Preda;
Watch: Fossil;
White Beret: thrifted;
Bag: vintage;
Red beret: Rosegal;
Booties: Deichmann;
Photo credit: Pink Wish
A beautiful outfit, perfect style for this moment of the year 😉
Thank you very much! 🙂
Superba tinuta! Imi place mult combinatia de culori, iar puloverul este preferatul meu 🙂
Mersi mult, Andy. Esti o draguta! :*
Mi se pare ca se potriveste de minune cea rosie cu tinuta ta! E super dragalasa! 🙂
Multumesc frumos :*
Mie imi plac amandoua. Mi-am luat si eu recent pe gri, dar am dat pe 25 lei :)). de la un magazin de cartier. Chiar exagerate preturile celor din malluri. M-am uitat si eu. Basca Gavroche purtam mereu cand erm mica, cred ca am pe la tara si acum un model. Era rosie, desigur :D.
Faina tinuta!
Daa, eu am vazut cu 50 sau 60 de lei la mall si era un model foarte simplu, ca asta alba pe care o am eu, exagerat de mult 😀
Si noi aveam basti Gavroche cand eram mici, aveam gri si maro si negru 😀
Multumesc, te pup! :*
Vazand intreaga tinuta parca se completeaza mai fain cu cea rosie. Oricum esti chic si jucausa totodata. 😚
Multumesc frumos, Mihaela! 🙂