
Elegance is the only beauty that never fades

Let the snow melt and bring on Spring! Warm days are almost here, so now we are looking forward to Prom season! It’s your moment to shine!
The first thing to think about if you are going to prom it’s of course the dress. Whether it’s glam, classy, vintage, or flirty, there are so many beautiful dresses. Today we have some suggestions for you cause we found really gorgeous gowns on promtimes.co.uk.
Here you can find everything from the haute couture influences from the Hollywood red carpet to head-turning dresses for prom.
You don’t have to spend a fortune for the prom night. You’ll discover that there are affordable prom dresses that looks great. You definitely save time if you take a look on promtimes.co.uk cause you will find exactly the look you want for prom, pageant or any social occasion.
We choose below some pastel dresses, just perfect for spring, but you can find on the site any color you want. If you chose a pastel dress you will display an image of innocent, charming and sweet,well mannered high school girl image, a modern Cinderella (it’s a true Cinderella mania these days after the movie launch :P)
So, maxi or mini? Black or pastel? Have you decided yet? 🙂




  1. martie 23, 2015 / 9:03 am

    Ce frumoase sunt! Le-as lua pe toate! ;))

  2. martie 23, 2015 / 10:41 am

    Ce frumoase sunt rochiile, nuantele pastel sunt preferatele mele. 😉

  3. martie 23, 2015 / 5:19 pm

    Oh, vai prima imi place mult, mult de tot, ma vad imbracata asa, fara modestie, dar cred ca as arata foarte bine :)))

    • martie 24, 2015 / 2:55 pm

      Si mie imi place mult prima. Si eu cred ca ai arata super, ai un corp foarte zvelt si o fata angelica, sigur te-ar pune in valoare culoarea si si modelul 🙂
      Te pup! :*

  4. martie 23, 2015 / 7:09 pm

    wow…chiar sunt superbe! Am intrat pe site si au niste modele…doar ca eu nu prea sunt prietena cu comandatul hainelor pe net. Si asa ma oftic atunci cand vad lucruri asa frumoase.


  5. martie 24, 2015 / 2:50 pm

    Daa, chiar sunt 🙂
    Am vazut ca au si poze de la cliente pe site, dar alea si-au ales numai modele urate de rochii, nimic din ce mi-ar placea mie :)))
    Noi am mai comandat si rochii de ocazie de pe site-uri si a fost ok, insa ai dreptate, trebuie sa iti asumi un mic risc 🙂
    Te pupam! :*

  6. martie 27, 2015 / 4:44 pm

    Sunt deosebite, adevarate rochii de printesa :).

  7. martie 30, 2015 / 7:11 pm

    Ce rochite frumoase <3

  8. aprilie 25, 2015 / 4:38 am

    Foarte frumoase rochiile prezentate in articol. Felicitari pentru selectia voastra 🙂
    Dar rochite deosebite pentru evenimente sau petreceri gasiti si la producatorii romani si cred ca asa ar fi un risc mai mic atunci cand comandati online
    Inca o data felicitari pentru rochitele prezentate si pentru promovarea unei iamgini elegante si rafinate
    Va pup

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