
Oasap Giveaway (international)

First of all we want to say a huge thank you for following us through Bloglovin. Today we hit 300 followers, which is quite impressive because we had the account just for few months.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read our posts, to leave a comment or to like our articles. It means a lot for us! We saw that lately we have followers all over the world, so we are very happy.

This seemed like a perfect time to do the giveaway! 🙂

Our giveaway is sponsored by Oasap and you can win one of the awesome items on the picture above!

We will have one winner that will choose one of these items: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as an award! Isn’t that great? 🙂

Here are the rules:

1.  Register on the Oasap website here;

2.  Follow our blog via Google Friend Connect (box on the right)
or Bloglovin;

3. Follow Oasap on any of the following networks (that means one network or more):
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Polyvore 

4. Leave a comment below that contains your e-mail (the same you used for registration- we need the mail to contact you if you win) and network and username where you followed Oasap and our blog.

This giveaway is international and will last for one week.

We will be choosing a winner via random.org on 7th November.

Good luck!

Astazi am descoperit  cu bucurie ca am depasit pragul de 300 de followeri pe Bloglovin, lucru care ne-a surprins in mod placut pentru ca nu avem cont decat de cateva luni 🙂
Faptul ca ne cititi, ne lasati comentarii sau ne dati like, inseamna foarte, foarte mult pentru noi. Va multumim!
Cu ocazia asta am decis sa facem si un giveaway pentru voi, in
colaborare cu Oasap, unde puteti castiga unul din puloverele din
fotografia de mai jos:
Gasiti link pentru fiecare mai sus, la postarea in engleza.
Regulile sunt simple:

1. Inregistrati-va pe Oasap aici;

2. Urmariti blogul prin Google Friend Connect (in dreapta) sau Bloglovin;

3. Urmariti Oasap pe unul dintre urmatoarele canale: 
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Polyvore 

Lasati un comentariu aici cu adresa de mail cu care v-ati inregistrat pe Oasap, numele cu care urmariti unul din canalele Oasap si numele cu care urmariti bloguil

Giveaway-ul este international si dureaza o saptamana, pana pe 7 noiembrie.





  1. octombrie 31, 2013 / 11:49 pm

    Thank you for the giveaway!

    Registered on the Oasap website
    Email: marfusha1976@gmail.com
    Following your blog via Google Friend Connect as Irina Gnatiuk
    and Bloglovin': Irina Dubinskaya-Gnatiuk
    Following Oasap on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram
    Facebook, Pinterest: Irina Dubinskaya-Gnatiuk
    Twitter: @IrinaZhoze
    Instagram: @irinagnatiuk

  2. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 7:09 am

    Oasap registration: pedrinhasnosapato@gmail.com
    GFC and Bloglovin: Raquel Lima
    Oasap facebook follower and polyvore: Raquel Lima
    Twitter; RaquelLima28
    Instagram: raquelima13

  3. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 7:14 am

    cont pe OASAP: ionicamihai16@yahoo.com
    gfc: Ionica Mihai
    bloglovin : Mihai Ionica
    urmaresac Oasap pe fb ( cu numele Mihai Ionica) , pe Twitter ( @IcaMika) , pe pinterest nu gasesc pagina oasap
    fb : Mihai Ionica

  4. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 7:30 am

    E-mail : adorofte@yahoo.com
    Urmaresc Oasap pe Twitter : @dorofteelisabet
    Fb: alexandra-elisabet dorofte
    Instagram : @puffos32
    Gfc : dorofte alexandra
    Bloglovin : melek32

  5. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 8:57 am

    Thank you for the giveaway! :))

    I have registered on the Oasap website
    My Email: v.24492@gmail.com
    I am following your blog via Google Friend Connect as Vanessa Bugeja
    Following Oasap on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram
    Facebook, Pinterest: Vanessa Bugeja
    Twitter: @buttervfly
    Instagram: @buttervfly

  6. Andreea Voicu
    noiembrie 1, 2013 / 9:21 am

    Cozy giveaway!
    Mail registered on oasap: aimee_11min@yahoo.com
    Following you via GFC: Voicu Andreea
    Following Oasap via Facebook: Andreea Voicu

  7. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 9:46 am

    I'd love to win that Red Cutout Back Sweater, it's so beautiful! Thank you for this opportunity! 😀

    GFC/Bloglovin: Angelina Nogueira
    OASAP Facebook follower: Angelina Nogueira
    OASAP Twitter follower: @Angelina_Nog
    E-mail: angelina_nogueir@hotmail.com

  8. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 10:22 am

    fb: ana-maria ignat
    bloglovin:ana-maria ignat (ancuttzza11)
    gfc: ana-maria ignat
    e mail: ancuttzza_m@yahoo.com
    urmaresc Oasap prin: facebook: ana-maria ignat, twitter: @ancuttzza_m

  9. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 1:59 pm

    Gfc: Andrea Chitic
    Fb: Andrea Chitic
    E-mail cu care m-am inreg. pe Oasap: andryro@yahoo.com
    Urmaresc Oasap prin Facebook (Andrea Chitic), Twitter (@andreachitic), Polyvore (Andrea Chitic) si Pinterest (Andrea Chitic)

  10. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 5:57 pm

    GFG Alexandra
    Bloglovin: Alexandra Puica
    Oasap mail: p_alex2004@yahoo.co.uk
    Following Oasap via FB: Alexandra Puica; Twitter: @zuzamica

  11. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 8:08 pm

    Ce premii minunate! Multumim pentru concurs!

    Email: got_weak_grl@yahoo.com
    Fb: Catalina Negoita
    gfc: GOT
    bloglovin: Catalina Negoita

  12. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 8:17 pm

    Email: ppainter8@gmail.com
    GFC: Painter Painter
    Bloglovin: Alexandra Cîrlea/ppainter8@gmail.com
    FB: Alexandra Cîrlea
    Twitter: @AlexandraPainte
    Pinterest: Alexandra Cîrlea

  13. noiembrie 1, 2013 / 8:24 pm

    I'm following you with GFC and Bloglovin – Joana Santos
    Following Oasap on FB and Pinterest – Joana Santos

  14. noiembrie 2, 2013 / 8:44 am

    Mie mi-a cam pierdut de multa vremea increderea in produsele Oasap, dar am sa ma inscriu la giveaway mai mult de dragul vostru, ca sunteti tare dragute!

    GFC: Adelina Radu Blog si BlogLovin: Adelina Radu
    Oasap mail: adelinaradublog@gmai.com
    Ii urmaresc pe FB cu numele Adelina Radu Blog
    pe Twitter @adelina_radu
    si pe http://www.pinterest.com/beautyincyprus/

  15. Claudia
    noiembrie 2, 2013 / 9:52 am

    Oasap mail: angel_claudya@yahoo.com
    Bloglovin: Patrascu Claudia
    Gfc: angel
    Following oasap: fb- Claudia Iuliana
    twitter: Patrascu Claudia
    instagram: miss_claudia_p

  16. noiembrie 2, 2013 / 10:11 am

    Love the fisrt sweater! <3
    Bloglovin: kumaralifestyle
    Email dupy80(at)yahoo.com.ar
    Pinterest: kumaralifestyle

    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Kumara Lifestyle

  17. Szente Noemi
    noiembrie 2, 2013 / 4:06 pm

    GFC: Szente Noemi
    FB: :Szente Noemi
    e-mail: pidi_05@yahoo.com
    Twitter: @noemisd

  18. noiembrie 2, 2013 / 5:34 pm

    Marija Nagulic
    Facebook: Marija Pera Nagulic
    Twitter: maki4toma
    Pinterest: maki4toma
    Instagram: maki4tomaa
    Polyvore: maki4toma

  19. noiembrie 2, 2013 / 6:09 pm

    Registered email: fb_asha@yahoo.com
    Following your blog via Bloglovin.
    My Bloglovin name is Divya Asha.
    Following Oasap via twitter, facebook, polyvore & pinterest.
    Twitter Id: @DivyaAsha
    Username on facebook, polyvore & pinterest: Divya Asha

  20. noiembrie 2, 2013 / 6:40 pm

    I'm registered on Oasap (crlinders(at)gmail(dot)com).
    I follow your blog via Bloglovin (Cassie Korando).
    I follow Oasap via Facebook (Cassie Korando).

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  21. noiembrie 2, 2013 / 7:31 pm

    Felicitari papusilor!! <3

    Oasap: pink_july930@yahoo.com
    FB: Julie Pink
    Bloglovin: Julie Pink
    GFC: Rosu Iuliana

  22. noiembrie 2, 2013 / 8:20 pm

    Petra Mrkoci

    GFC: Petra Black
    Bloglovin: Petra Black

    Facebook: Petra Kos (Petra Mrkoci)
    Twitter: @petrablack007
    Pinterest: Petra Mrkoci
    Instagram: @petrablack007
    Polyvore: petrablack

  23. noiembrie 2, 2013 / 9:02 pm

    Lovely giveaway!!The prizes are great.

    Registered on the Oasap with the email: fanouria20(at)hotmail(dot)com
    Followed your blog via GFC and Bloglovin as Alice Beerland
    Following Oasap on Facebook and Pinterest as Alice Beerland and on Twitter/Instagram as @alicebeerland

  24. noiembrie 3, 2013 / 3:56 am

    msfalvarado@gmail.com (registered e-mail)

    Oasap Following
    Facebook: Sol Felice Alvarado
    Twitter: @Solfelice
    Pinterest: BySolfelice

    Following Blog
    Bloglovin: Sol Felice Alvarado

  25. noiembrie 3, 2013 / 4:15 am

    Registered on the Oasap website
    Email: sensiblestylista87@gmail.com
    Following your blog via Google Friend Connect as Kimberlykong87
    Following Oasap on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram
    Facebook, Pinterest: Sensiblestylista
    Twitter: @sensiblestylist
    Instagram: @sensiblestylista

  26. noiembrie 3, 2013 / 9:17 am

    GFC: Ehara Poetry
    Registered email: miss.ehara@gmail.com
    FB: Ehara Poetry
    Twitter: @MissEharaCloset
    Pinterest: Miss Ehara's
    Instagram: miss_ehara

  27. noiembrie 3, 2013 / 11:09 am

    Thank you for this beautiful giveaway!
    I m entering with pleasure!
    email adress:Melodie10@gmx.fr (registred email)
    GFC:Helena Oops
    FB:Jens Ken lundstrom
    Polyvore:Jens ken Lundstrom
    Shared the post on FB:
    Crossed fingers!
    have a great sunday!

  28. noiembrie 3, 2013 / 1:47 pm

    Email: preciousnovem@gmail.com
    FB: Novem Tadora
    Twitter: novemazing06
    Instgram: novemazing
    Bloglovin: Novem Tadora
    GFC: Novem Tadora
    Polyvore: novemazing

  29. noiembrie 3, 2013 / 2:30 pm

    e-mail: crazykid_alexutza@yahoo,com
    FB: Alexutza Alexandra
    Twitter: ScUmPeTeMiK
    Bloglovin: alexutza
    GFC: Alexandra-Oana Marat

  30. noiembrie 3, 2013 / 4:03 pm

    Thank you for the giveaway! ^_^

    Registered on the Oasap website
    Email: apyi.chocolate@gmail.com
    Following your blog via Google Friend Connect: Aparna Singh
    and Bloglovin': Aparna Singh

    Following Oasap on –

    Facebook: Aparna Singh
    Twitter: @AparnaSingh27
    Instagram: @andromedablack27

  31. noiembrie 3, 2013 / 4:47 pm

    email: geminicalli at yahoo dot com
    following via gfc: Calli
    Following oasap on facebook: Calli W, twitter: @freefragments

  32. noiembrie 3, 2013 / 7:30 pm

    Adresa de mail cu care m-am ingregistrat pe Oasap: grety_pooh@yahoo.com
    Urmaresc Oasap pe Facebook: Greta Vendlinger
    GFC: hukiya

  33. TrishCF
    noiembrie 4, 2013 / 1:56 am

    Registered on the Oasap website
    Email: flynnt@twcny.rr.com
    Following your blog via Google Friend Connect as TrishCF
    and Bloglovin': trishcf
    Following Oasap on Facebook as Trish Crimmins Flynn
    Twitter as @FlynnTrish
    Pinterest as cftrish
    Instagram as trishcf

  34. noiembrie 4, 2013 / 2:16 pm

    e-mail pt OASAP: oteo_99@yahoo.com
    FB/ OASAP: Oana Cristea
    following via Google Frind Connect ca Ioana

  35. noiembrie 4, 2013 / 3:49 pm

    FB:Pantiru Corina
    Twitter:Corina Pantiru

  36. Nerea González
    noiembrie 4, 2013 / 5:28 pm

    email: standby90@hotmail.com
    nick gfc: Nerea González
    nick blgolovin: Nerea González
    nick twitter: @NereaGonzC
    nick facebook: Nerea González Cortina
    nick pinterest: Nerea González
    I like 3. Zigzag Printed Cardigan

  37. noiembrie 4, 2013 / 8:55 pm

    Bloglovin/GFC: Josiane Gonçalves
    Printerest: Josiane Gonçalves
    Twitter: @zamp30
    Polyvore: Josiane Gonçalves
    Instagram: blog_tudoquegostoemuitomais
    Facebook: Josiane Gonçalves

  38. noiembrie 5, 2013 / 8:14 am

    GFC: Lulu
    FB: Olesia Flegka
    Pinterest: lulufleg
    Polyvore: lulu-ka
    email: redalepou(at)yahoo.com

  39. noiembrie 5, 2013 / 12:39 pm

    luizza_m at ymail dot com
    GFC:Luiza M
    Facebook: Luiza Mujdei

  40. noiembrie 7, 2013 / 12:19 am

    Thank you so much for this, they are such gorgeous pieces!
    I am registered under sophielouise-91@live.co.uk
    and GFC: sophielou
    and follow OASAP on:
    Twitter: sophie_bowman
    Instagram: sophiee_louu
    Pintrest: sophieelouu
    FB: sophie bowman

    🙂 xxx

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