
Valentine’s Day sales at Romwe

Buna fetelor!
Voi face o postare scurta pentru a va anunta ca Romwe ofera reduceri de pana la 50% cu ocazia Valentine’s Day.
De pe 12 pana pe 16 februarie aveti reduceri la o multime de articole.
Eu deja am pus ochii pe rochita roz cu trandafirasi din imagine si abia astept reducerea 🙂

Hi girls!
This is just a quick post to inform you about the Romwe sales.
Up to 50% off through February 12th to 16th!!
Check it out at: www.romwe.com.



1 Comment

  1. februarie 12, 2013 / 10:22 pm

    The dresses with the tulle are so sweet! Thanks for sharing, I am definitely gong to take a little looksy. xo

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