
Romwe giveaway winners

Sorry that I didn’t announce the winners of the Romwe giveaway earlier, but I was at the Bucharest tennis tournament all this week. Here are the two lucky winners: Imi cer scuze ca nu am anuntat castigatoarele mai devreme, insa, asa cum v-am spus, am fost toata saptamana la turneul de tenis BRD Nastase Tiriac Trophy si n-am avut deloc timp liber. Iata fericitele castigatoare: Congratulations to Hanna Majava and Rica Lanojan! I will email…

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Romwe giveaway winners

Buna fetelor! Asa cum v-am promis, astazi afisez castigatoarele de la giveaway-ul Romwe. Cele doua norocoase sunt: Hi girls! The Romwe giveaway winners are:  Ada 90 (Adriana Razoare) and Ada (Andreea Manea): Felicitari! O sa va contactez eu pentru a va tranmite mai multe detalii.

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