
Stefanel Fall/Winter Collection launch event

Thursday we went to a cocktail party organized by Stefanel to celebrate three years since the concept store opened in Bucharest, but also to admire the fall/winter collection of the Italian brand. Eleonora Stefanel (Creative Director at Stefanel) and part of the Italian Stefanel team attended the event. The new collection contains high quality knitwear pieces that are a Stefanel staple for over 50 years, mohair sweaters and jackets, wool coats, all in gray tones,…

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Fall beauty trends

New York, Milano, Londra, Paris. Pentru unele persoane aceasta insiruire reprezinta doar patru dintre cele mai importante orase ale lumii, insa pentru pasionatele de moda semnifica locul unde se nasc si se dezvolta trendurile. Trebuie sa recunosc ca in fiecare sezon imi place sa ma informez sa vad care sunt tendintele, atat in materie de moda, cat si in materie de machiaj. Nu neaparat pentru a le urma, dar e foarte interesant sa vezi cu…

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