
Rose Garden

A devenit deja o traditie sa facem in fiecare an fotografii la Gradina Botanica, la sfarsitul lunii mai, cand infloresc tradafirii. Si cu fiecare an care trece, numarul trandafirilor din Gradina creste. Ne bucuram enorm sa vedem atatea specii multicolore la un loc, ne aduce aminte de Queen Mary’s Garden din Regent’s Park/Londra, cea mai frumoasa gradina pe care am vazut-o vreodata si pe care nu credem ca o vom uita vreodata. Si daca tot…

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Tea, books and plants

Cand eram studente ne placea mult sa mergem la biblioteca, in special la Biblioteca Centrala Universitara. Atmosfera, lumina, rafturile enorme cu carti printre care te pierdeai, birourile, totul parca era special si te simteai in alta lume pentru cateva ore. Mersul la biblioteca nu era deloc o corvoada pentru noi, dimpotriva ne atragea, totul era perfect pentru a te indemna sa studiezi, ni se parea ca arata fix ca intr-un film american 😀 Bineinteles ca…

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Toasted coconut hair-the newest fall hair trend

Acum cateva saptamani ne-am refacut balayage-ul si am optat pentru tonuri mai deschise, fara a ne vopsi insa radacinile. Sunt vreo doi ani de cand am inceput sa ne vopsim si am inceput cu tehnica bronde (acum uitandu-ne in urma nu mai suntem asa de incantate de rezultat, dar atunci ni se parea super 🙂 ) si de atunci am tot incercat balayage-ul la diverse saloane. Daca in mod obisnuit cauti ce e in trend…

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Nothing’s better than a picnic with friends

It has become something of a tradition that in August every year we organize a picnic in the park with our best friend, Julie from Pink Wish. We would like to do this every week but unfortunately we don’t have so much free time. It’s so nice to dine outdoors and enjoy the view while you eat your meal. Of course it’s not just about eating but also about the wonderful moments we share together:…

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How to wear a vest the best

  A while ago we used to post articles that show you how to wear the same item in two different ways. Today we have again this kind of  blog post and we present you two very similar costumes worn in a casual and also in an elegant manner. If a few years ago it was a must to wear formal items with heels, now is extremely cool to match it with sneakers. We love…

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