
Our first picnic in 4

Picnicul cu Julie a devenit deja o traditie la care tinem mult, asa ca nu puteam sa lasam sa treaca vara fara sa ne reunim din nou la iarba verde 🙂 Anul acesta e primul an in care nu am mai fost doar noi 3, ci 4 pentru ca ni s-a alaturat si adorabilul Filip. Si anul trecut a fost cu noi, insa in burtica la mami. Daca anul trecut nu l-am putut vedea cum…

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Nothing’s better than a picnic with friends

It has become something of a tradition that in August every year we organize a picnic in the park with our best friend, Julie from Pink Wish. We would like to do this every week but unfortunately we don’t have so much free time. It’s so nice to dine outdoors and enjoy the view while you eat your meal. Of course it’s not just about eating but also about the wonderful moments we share together:…

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We love picnic days

  This is the last week of summer and we wanted to begin it with a special post, so we will show you some pictures that we took at the only picnic we organized this summer with our good friend Julie.  Now that the summer is almost over we really regret that we couldn’t organize these kind of meetings more often but we had a busy schedule in the last weeks. In Romania picnics are…

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Picnic in the park

Did you know that on July 30 was the International Day of Friendship? We talked with our bff Julie from Pink Wish to have a picnic on July 30, without knowing that it’s the day when people celebrate friendship. As we told you before: there is no such thing as chance or coincidence 🙂 Julie received the cutest picnic basket ever for her birthday and we decided to go in the park for a picnic…

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Picnic time

There are only a few days till the summer ends. It was a beautiful one, even if it seems to have passed in an instant. This summer I enjoyed the little things more than ever, I smiled more, I learned to settle for less and fight more for what I want. One of the beautiful things in this summer was the picnic I had a few weeks ago with my dear friend Julie. It was…

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