
Sarbatoreste cu noi 20 de ani de Oriflame

Ca si bloggeri de beauty si pasionate de cosmetice, ne trec prin mana sute de produse cosmetice, insa in foarte putine cazuri se intampla sa ramanem fidele unui produs. Mereu testam branduri diferite si mereu apar noutati, care promit ceva in plus fata de versiunile anterioare. Cu toate astea, exista unele produse si branduri cu care ai o legatura construita in timp, de care te leaga o poveste si fata de care vei ramane atasat…

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Let the sea set you free

„I want to be wild, beautiful and free, just like the sea” Well, I could live at the beach for the rest of my life. I love the sea, but I haven’t been there for a while so it was a true blessing to see the sea again. We enjoyed our time there and we also took some photos with our outfits, because we love these kind of photos. It was a difficult task among…

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