
NIVEA Hairmilk

  We are reticent when it comes to try new hair care products because we have a very sensitive scalp. However, we couldn’t resist trying the new NIVEA Hairmilk range, so we said yes to NIVEA invitation and we attend the Pop Up Hair Salon event. It wasn’t just an opportunity to try the new NIVEA products, but a real pampering session. NIVEA hair stylists did a great job and our hair was fabulous at…

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Lancome prezinta primul makeup artist national in Romania

Daca ne urmariti pe Instagram sau pe Youtube, probabil nu mai e o noutate ca saptamana acesta am avut onoarea de a participa la evenimentul Lancome in cadrul caruia a fost anuntat primul makeup artist national al brandului si anume, Alexandru Abagiu. Cu 20 de ani de experienta in machiaj, Alexandru Abagiu face astfel un pas firesc in cariera lui si preia pozitia de National make-up artist Lancôme. Daca l-ati auzit vreodata pe Alex Abagiu vorbind…

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Make it happen!

Acum cateva zile am participat la lansarea celor mai noi produse Maybelline New York, unul dintre brandurile noastre preferate de machiaj. Daca ne urmariti pe Snapchat (ne gasiti cu username-ul anothersideofme si criss-ioana) si Instagram (Dorina si Cristina), probabil ati vazut deja franturi din ce s-a intamplat acolo, a fost un eveniment foarte frumos, incarcat de energie pozitiva, surprize frumoase si multa distractie. Tot evenimentul a stat sub deviza noului motto al brandului „Make it…

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Nivea Protect&Care event

NIVEA has recently launched a new range of deodorants, Protect & Care, inspired by NIVEA Creme. The new Protect &Care deodorants contain the best of NIVEA Creme, the famous blue tin that we all know, as it became the symbol of the brand. Protect &Care provides care for sensitive armpits, but also effective protection against perspiration. Deodorants are also available for men, NIVEA MEN with a modern and masculine fragrance. The new NIVEA deodorants are…

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Urban Decay in Romania

Urban Decay is finally in Romania! Last week we attended the launch event of the famous American brand. Launched 20 years ago when pink, red, and beige tones dominated the beauty industry, Urban Decay defines itself by the motto „Beauty with an edge”. 20 years ago, Sandy Lerner decided to create her own make-up products and colors since the make-up industry at the time failed to satisfy her need for bold colours and textures. Today…

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