
Clinique SuperBalanced foundation {review}

You probably know that we always like to try new foundations because we didn’t find „the one”. Our latest discovery is Clinique Super Balanced, our first foundation from Clinique. We bought it after reading that it’s one of the best foundations for dry skin. We chose Petal 01 shade but just as Shiseido foundation is a bit dark at first and after a while it adjusts to our skin tone. The foundation comes in a…

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Giveaway Clinique

Dupa cum v-am anuntat inca de aseara pe pagina de Facebook, astazi lansez un nou giveaway, de aceasta data in colaborare cu unul dintre cele mai prestigioase branduri de cosmetice din lume, Clinique. Clinique este un brand ce apartine companiei Estee Lauder si a fost fondat in 1968. El a venit pe piata cu un concept nou ce consta in personalizarea cosmeticelor in functie de tipul de piele al fiecarui cumparator. La acest giveaway aveti ocazia…

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