
Floral ruffle dress

  Back again on the colorful streets of Sighisoara! It seems ages since I visited this city because I was very busy lately and I did a lot of things. As I said in the post about Sighisoara, this town has become one of my favorites and now peeking over images, I miss the whole atmosphere and being out there. If you ever come to Romania, I really recommend you to visit Sighisoara, you will…

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Beauty and The Beast: Ever just the same, Ever a surprise

  Just a few hours till the weekend and if you haven’t made plans yet, I have a movie recommendation for you: Beauty and The Beast.  When Disney announces a new movie it always creates so much buzz around it and the critics start to discuss the trailer and everyone is so curious to see what is all about and I’m no exception. This time I must admit that I haven’t read anything about Beauty…

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Boho chic dress

Although I like boho style, you won’t see me wearing boho items at all. I really admire women who wear exuberant boho chic pieces, but for me it seems pretty bold. However, when I saw this boho chic dress on Bonprix it was love at first sight. Although the first impulse was to combine it with ankle boots, it’s too hot for that. I chose sandals for now, but I plan to wear with booties…

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Chic bow dress

I can’t wait for the weekend to begin (I bet you too 🙂 ) so I have a perfect outfit for a stroll in the park or a movie date. It was love at first sight with this chic bow dress. You know me, I love all the chic and feminine details and bows are my favorites. On the site it looks more pinkish, but in reality it’s peach. I prefer pink to any other…

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