
Happy birthday B.U.Wild!

We don’t know how many of you still remember the first ad for B.U. Wild with Eva Herzigova when she  open the fridge and takes the perfume, spray it and then she wears that sexy black lace dress. To be honest, we were kids back then and we remember only Eva Herzigova and the blue and yellow packaging 🙂 But even now, after so many years we associate Herzigova with B.U. cause back then there…

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Gusta viata zambind cu Danone (Ro only)

Danone a implinit zilele trecute 15 ani de cand e in Romania. Primele iaurturi Danone au fost produse la Bucuresti, pe data de 15 mai 1999, sub brandurile Natural și Delicios. Doar un an mai tarziu, Danone devenea lider de piata in categoria lactatelor proaspete, in Romania. Astazi, 1 din 2 iaurturi consumate in Romania este produs de Danone. Cu o expertiza internationala de aproape 100 de ani in producerea de iaurturi, lider mondial pe…

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