
Summer Well 2018

  How to take a mini-vacation in August and enjoy the time off resting but also re-energizing, eating delicious food and listening to good music? The answer is simple: go to Summer Well, „the festival like a holiday”! Although it’s only a stone’s throw from Bucharest and last only 3 days it gives you energy and leaves you with memories for a year, until the next edition. Summer Well has already become a tradition for…

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  AnotherSide of Me turns nine! We still can’t believe this! Looking back on our old posts, we can see that so much has changed but somehow we are still the same. We still remember that we were afraid of what people would think if we started a blog. Actually, Dorina wanted to start the blog 1-2 years earlier, but she was terrified of sharing her inner thoughts and even more terrified sharing photos of…

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Art&Craft -stories from Romania

  E vara si cu siguranta gandul tuturor zboara deja la vacanta. Europa sau o destinatie exotica? Suntem nerabdatori sa descoperim lumea si in goana de a bifa cele mai populare destinatii de pe glob, uitam de tara noastra. Pentru cei mai multi vacantele de vara in Romania se rezuma doar la cele pe litoral. Dar cate sute de locuri minunate din tara asta nu asteapta sa fie descoperite? Intotdeauna ne intoarcem din calatoriile noastre…

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AFTERHILLS #Dreamers2018 music festival

  Muzica buna, oameni frumosi, apusuri minunate si multe emotii pozitive- asa a inceput vara asta pentru noi. Intr-un cuvant: AFTERHILLS. Desi AFTERHILLS se afla la a doua editie anul acesta, pentru noi a fost prima la care am participat si a fost si primul festival din afara Bucurestiului la care mergem. Partenere in aventura AFTERHILLS #dreamers2018 de la Iasi ne-au fost Ramo si Simy de la Surorile Calatoare, pe care probabil deja le stiti…

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  De astazi incepe mini-vacanta si o asteptam cu nerabdare pentru ca o sa mergem intr-un oras din Romania pe care voiam demult sa-l vizitam, dar in care nu am ajuns pana acum: Sighisoara. Si ca sa intram in atmosfera de vacanta si pe blog, astazi am pregatit o postare despre InstaFestival, primul eveniment dedicat comunitatii de instagrammeri din Romania. InstaFestival a inceput in Centrul Vechi, unde am avut parte de un free walking tour…

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