Due to our hectic lifestyle, we felt the the need to relax- „dolce far niente”, as Italians say. Although we have visited quite a few places lately and we had a few days off, we always want to see all the touristic places and go everywhere and we are so tired at the end of the day, so this time we just wanted to rest and do nothing. The place we chose to recharge our batteries and find our inspiration was
Cabana Sapte, situated in Breaza, Brasov County.
Located about 30 minutes from Fagaras, this Scandinavian style cottage is perfect for those who love nature and wild places. The nearest village is Breaza (about 4 km) and near the cabin there’s only inhabited house, otherwise, silence. It’s the perfect place where you can retreat to reconnect to nature, to sign out of job and social networks or maybe to write a book, why not? (it reminds us of „Secret Window” with Johnny Depp).
As a cottage, not a hostel or a boutique hotel, there are no employees, so we- together with Ramo and Simy from
The Travelling Sisters, our partners in crime, we sat alone and although at first we were joking that we may be visited by bears after a few hours we forgot about that and we even ate outside. One of the things we liked was the corner behind the cottage, where is a river and in the evening it looks so dreamy, with many little bulbs, Pinterest like.
And the cabin design is spectacular- Scandinavian style and minimalist. What we like very much at Cabana Sapte is the glazed facade, we have never seen something similar in Romania so far, it looks spectacular and the absence of the walls makes you feel closer to nature. Plus, it look extremely Instagramable! 😀
The chalet has 5 bedrooms, a very large living room, a kitchen and two bathrooms, and a big advantage is that during your stay, the chalet is only yours, you don’t have to share with other strangers, as usually happens in other accommodation.
If you want to cook you should take everything you need from home including oil, flour, sugar, etc. because you can’t find any ingredients in the house and the nearest store is in the Breaza village.
We liked the mix of wild nature and the comfort inside the chalet: it was so nice to sit at the window and watch the sheeps that grazed near or to eat an apple fom the apple tree while you were relaxing in the hammock.
The name of the cabin is inspired by the Seventh Day, the day of rest, and this cottage is the perfect place to rest but also for unforgettable memories.
Although we had some motivational books with us, we didn’t read, we forgot about them because we played Activity, we had a „pajama party” where we were spoiled with vegan pancakes made by Simy, we pampered ourselves with face masks and other treatments and of course we couldn’t resist to not make a trip to the village.
Nearby is also a mountain route to the Urlea, but we’ve soar and there after I went over 8 km in the sun at noon, she had felt able to start again road. However, we didn’t regret that we chose to go in Breaza, „we went shopping” in the village store and we remembered about our grandparents village in our childhood, it looked the same.
We liked very much Cabana Sapte and we recommend it if you want a place far from civilization where to retire with a group of friends to relax and spend some quality time in nature.
Datorita stilului de viata destul de agitat din ultima vreme, simteam nevoie de relaxare, „dolce far niente”, cum ar zice italienii. Desi am vizitat destul de multe locuri noi in ultima vreme si am mers in mai multe excursii, noi avem mereu vacante active pentru ca ne propunem sa vedem cat mai multe obiective si sa bifam diverse activitati, astfel ca uneori simtim nevoia de a ne odihni si de a nu face nimic.
Locul in care am ales sa ne reincarcam bateriile si sa ne regasim inspiratia a fost
Cabana Sapte din Breaza, judetul Brasov.
Situata la aproximativ 30 de minute de Fagaras, cabana in stil scandinav e perfecta pentru cei care iubesc natura si locurile retrase. Cel mai apropiat sat e Breaza, la vreo 4 km si in vecinatatea cabanei mai e o singura casa locuita, in rest, liniste deplina. E locul perfect unde te poti retrage pentru a te reconecta la natura, pentru a te deconecta de la job, retele de socializare si tot ce te streseaza sau pentru a scrie o carte, de ce nu? (pe noi ne duce cu gandul la Secret Window cu Johnny Depp).
Fiind o cabana si nu o pensiune sau un hotel boutique, nu exista angajati, asa ca noi, impreuna cu Ramo si Simy de la
Surorile Calatoare, partenerele noastre de calatorie, am stat singure si desi la inceput ne-am amuzat putin si glumeam ca am putea fi vizitate de ursi, dupa cateva ore am uitat complet de scenariile noastre si ne-am bucurat din plin de peisaj, ba chiar am mancat afara. Unul din lucrurile care ne-a placut enorm la cabana a fost coltisorul din spatele cabanei, pe unde trecea si un rau, iar seara, cand se aprindeau beculetele, totul era dreamy, parea un peisaj de pe Pinterest.
Si designul cabanei este spectaculos, in stil scandinav, minimalist, totul este decorat cu mult bun gust. Ce ne place foarte tare la Cabana Sapte e fatada vitrata, nu am mai vazut ceva similar in Romania pana acum, arata spectaculos si absenta zidurilor te face sa te simti si mai aproape de natura. Plus ca, arata extrem de Instagramabil 😀
Cabana are 5 dormitoare, un living foarte mare, o bucatarie si doua bai, si un avantaj foarte mare e faptul ca pe perioada sederii aveti cabana doar pentru voi, nu trebuie sa o impartiti cu alti necunoscuti, cum se intampla de obicei in alte spatii de cazare.
La capitolul „administrativ” ar trebui sa stiti ca daca vreti sa gatiti, trebuie sa luati tot ce aveti nevoie, inclusiv ulei, faina, zahar, etc. deoarece la cabana nu gasiti.
Ne-a placut mixul dintre natura salbatica si confortul cabanei: era atat de frumos sa stai dimineata la geam si sa privesti oile care pasteau in apropiere sau faptul ca dintr-o saritura ajungeai la marul din curte plin de mere pe care le puteai manca in hamac, pe marginea raului.
Simbolistica numelui cabanei este foarte interesanta, numele fiind inspirat de ziua a saptea, zi de odihna, ceea ce exprima si locul-un spatiu perfect de odihna si de amintiri memorabile.
Desi am luat si carti inspirationale cu noi pentru a citi si a intra complet in starea zen, am cam uitat de ele, deoarece am jucat Activity, am avut „pajama party” unde ne-am rasfatat cu clatite vegan facute de Simy, ne-am facut masti si alte tratamente si bineinteles ca nu am rezistat sa nu facem si o drumetie pana in sat. In apropiere e si un traseu spre zona Urlea, insa nu ne-am mai avantat si pe acolo pentru ca dupa ce am mers mai bine de 8 km prin soarele de la amiaza, nu ne-a mai simtit in stare sa pornim din nou la drum.
Oricum, nu am regretat ca am ales sa mergem in Breaza, am intrat in magazinul mixt de acolo si ne-am amintit de cel care era in sat la bunici in copilaria noastra, arata fix la fel. Cel mai frumos a fost ca ne-am oprit sa facem poze la o casa superba acoperita cu mozaic si cand o batranica a venit la noi sa ne intrebe de ce pozam acea casa, eram convinse ca o sa ne certe, insa apoi i-am aflat povestea si ne-a emotionat extrem de tare. Casa era chiar a ei si ne-a povestit cum a ridicat-o, ne-a spus despre familia ei, ce isi mai amintea despre sat, iar la final a facut prima poza din viata ei cu smartphone-ul, cea pe care o vedeti la final: noi 4 in fata casei cu mozaic. Mai rar asa oameni amabili si deschisi la nou, chiar ne-am bucurat foarte tare ca am intalnit-o!
Ne-a placut foarte mult Cabana Sapte si v-o recomandam daca va doriti un loc departe de civilizatie unde sa va retrageti cu un grup de prieteni pentru a va relaxa si a petrece timp in natura.
Vai, geamurile alea!!!Peissajele!!!! MIRIFIC!!!!!