
How to wear a vest the best


A while ago we used to post articles that show you how to wear the same item in two different ways. Today we have again this kind of  blog post and we present you two very similar costumes worn in a casual and also in an elegant manner.

If a few years ago it was a must to wear formal items with heels, now is extremely cool to match it with sneakers. We love feminine outfits and we wore heels quite often, but only when we don’t have to walk long distances, otherwise we are fans of comfy shoes. Sneakers won’t diminish your femininity if you wear them in appropriate combinations and of course if you choose a model to fit your outfit and your body type.

So, Dorina chose a comfortable pair of Vans, while Cristina opted for a pair of sandals with heels and we love both combinations, they look great but for different occasions. Cristina’s outfit is great for job, for example, while Dorina’s one is perfect for a meeting or for a walk in the park.

Vest was an undervalued item until now, but recently they are back again, especially long ones, we already added some into our wardrobe because they are extremely versatile, you can wear with shirts, T-shirts, pants, skirts, even over dresses, they look good with almost anything.

We didn’t have any suit vest, so when we found these ones, we didn’t hesitate to choose them, even if we are not very excited by the trousers cut, we will alter them soon and they will look great.

We already show you some outfits wearing a vest, you can see them here, here and here.

Do you like vests?


Acum ceva vreme obisnuiam sa postam frecvent articole in care va aratam cum puteti purta aceleasi piese vestimentare in doua moduri diferite. Astazi am revenit cu o astfel de postare in care va prezentam doua costume foarte asemanatoare purtate atat intr-o maniera casual-sport, cat si intr-una eleganta.

Daca acum cativa ani era musai sa porti hainele elegante cu incaltaminte cu toc, astazi eleganta a cedat locul confortului si e extrem de cool sa asortezi chiar si piese de seara cu pantofi sport sau tenisi.

Noua ne plac foarte mult tinutele feminine si purtam si tocuri destul de des, insa doar cand avem putin de mers pe jos, altfel suntem fane incaltaminte comoda. Ni se pare ca incaltamintea sport/casual nu stirbeste din feminitate daca e purtata in combinatii corespunzatoare si bineinteles daca sunt alese modele care sa te avantajeze.

Asadar, Dorina a ales o pereche comoda de Vans, in vreme ce Cristina a optat pentru o pereche de sandale cu toc si ni se pare ca arata foarte bine ambele combinatii, insa trebuie sa tii cont unde si pentru ce ocazie le porti.

Ni se pare ca pana acum ceva vreme vesta era un item subevaluat, insa recent au inceput sa se poarte din ce in ce mai mult, in special cele lungi, noi deja am adaugat cateva in garderoba pentru ca sunt foarte versatile, le purtam cu tricouri, camasi, pantaloni, fuste, chiar si peste rochii, arata bine cu aproape orice.

Costume cu veste nu aveam, asa ca atunci cand le-am gasit pe acestea nu am ezitat nici macar o secunda sa le alegem, chiar daca nu suntem asa incantate de croiala pantalonilor pe care ii vom modifica, modelul in sine arata foarte bine. V-am mai aratat pe blog tinute cu veste, le puteti vedea aici, aici si aici.

Voua va plac vestele? Ce modele preferati?


Cristina: Grey suit; Tshirt: Laura Lazar; Sandals: Ami Club Wear;

Dorina: Pink suit{use Dorina1039 to get $5 OFF on Orders Over $50};Tshirt:My Petite Giraphe;Shoes:Vans;

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Cristina: Grey suit; Tshirt: Laura Lazar; Sandals: Ami Club Wear;

Dorina: Pink suit {use Dorina1039 to get $5 OFF on Orders Over $50}; Tshirt: My Petite Giraphe; Shoes: Vans;





  1. iulie 9, 2018 / 9:32 am

    Cat de faine sunteti!! Imi ppac mult costumele! Daca vreti sa le vindeti, sau doar vestele, here I am. Prima pe lista, am zis! :))
    Va pup!

    • Dorina
      iulie 9, 2018 / 9:42 pm

      Multumim mult de tot! Nuu, nu le dam, si noua ne plac tare mult, in special vestele 😀
      Te pupam! :*

    • Dorina
      iulie 9, 2018 / 9:42 pm

      Thanks! <3
      Happy Monday! :*

  2. iulie 16, 2018 / 4:15 pm

    Wow😮😮😮îmi plac foarte mult aceste costume port veste însă doar foarte rar iar preferatele mele sunt cele lungi și cele scurte din blugi😊

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