„Though human ingenuity may make various inventions which, by the help of various machines answering the same end, it will never devise any inventions more beautiful, nor more simple, nor more to the purpose than nature does„- Leonardo da Vinci
The above quote sums up our opinion of beauty, simplicity and life. Lately we have started to enjoy more than ever the simple things and learn to cherish them because they are the most valuable. Simplicity is the most beautiful! In any field: art, fashion, design, lifestyle, eating there is nothing more appreciated than simplicity.
And we didn’t chose to talk about simplicity just because… Our outfits are very simple but we love so much the feminine and delicate blouses from Zaful and Gamiss. We matched these casual outfits with our new Daniel Wellington watches. If you follow us probably you know that we are big fans of this brand and we are very happy to expand our collection with the Classic Black Sheffield model in Rose Gold (Dorina) and Silver (Cristina) and Classic cuffs.
The watches are very simple, classic, but extremely versatile, you can wear with literally anything: elegant dresses, casual or sporty items or office attire. If you like DW watches you can use the code „anothersideofme” for 15% off (valid till 30th of April) and you also have free shipping worldwide.
We took the photos in a dreamy park and although it wasn’t a sunny day we wouldn’t have left the park. We took so many shots with the blossom trees that the camera battery died, so some of the pictures below are made with the phone 🙂
Nature is the best form of therapy, especially now spring. There is no artwork more beautiful than the wonders of nature. The flowers remind us how fragile we are and how short life really is, but also show us that we can bring joy into others’ lives just like these wonderful plants brings into our lives.
As we get older, we started to see things differently and we like to spend as more time in nature, it seems the best way to spend leisure time. At least for us. We know that some prefer TV series, other clubs, other computer games, but we are all different 🙂 If we could we go every weekend somewhere to the countryside to relax it would be perfect. We hope that this year year we will find many beautiful places such as the one from our previous post, we have such a beautiful country that is worth exploring.
Now we leave you with the photos with the gorgeous flowering trees 🙂
Citatul de mai sus ii apartine lui Leonardo Da Vinci si insumeaza perfect si conceptia noastra despre frumusete, simplitate si viata.
In ultimii ani am inceput sa ne bucuram mai mult ca niciodata de lucrurile simple si sa invatam sa le pretuim pentru ca sunt cele mai valoroase. Simplitatea e cea mai frumoasa! In orice domeniu: arta, moda, design, lifestyle, alimentatie nu exista nimic mai apreciat decat simplitatea.
Si nu intamplator am ales sa vorbim despre simplitate astazi. Am ales niste tinute foarte simple, casual, la care am asortat noile noastre ceasuri Daniel Wellington. Daca ne urmariti de ceva vreme probabil stiti ca suntem mari fane ale acestui brand de ceasuri si ne-am bucurat enorm sa ne marim colectia cu modelul Classic Black Sheffield in varianta Rose Gold (Dorina) si Silver (Cristina), dar si cu bratarile Classic Cuff. Ceasurile sunt foarte simple, dar extrem de versatile, chiar merg purtate cu orice- rochii elegante, tinute casual sau sport sau vestimentatie office. Daca va plac puteti folosi codul „anothersideofme” pana la sfarsitul lunii aprilie si beneficiati de o reducere de 15%.
Le-am fotografiat intr-un cadru feeric. Desi nu a fost o zi insorita, nu am fi mai plecat din parc pentru ca peisajul era de vis. Am facut atat de multe fotografii la copacei incat ni s-a terminat si bateria de la camera, de aceea cateva din pozele de mai jos sunt facute cu telefonul 🙂
Natura e cea mai buna forma de terapie, mai ales acum primavara. Nu exista nicio opera de arta mai frumoasa decat minunatiile din natura. Florile ne amintesc cat suntem de trecatori si fragili, insa au si misiunea de a ne arata frumusetea vietii noastre si faptul ca putem aduce bucurie in vietile celorlalti, la fel cum ele aduc bucurie in vietile noastre.
Pe masura ce inaintam in varsta am inceput sa vedem altfel lucrurile si sa ne placa sa petrecem cat mai mult timp in natura, ni se pare cea mai buna modalitate de petrecere a timpului liber. Cel putin pentru noi. Stim ca unii prefera serialele, altii cluburile, altii jocurile pe calculator, dar toti suntem diferiti 🙂 Noi daca am putea am merge in fiecare weekend undeva la tara sa ne relaxam ar fi perfect! Speram ca anul asta sa descoperim cat mai multe locuri frumoase precum cel din postarea trecuta pentru ca avem o tara superba ce merita explorata.
Acum va lasam cu pozele de care suntem foarte incantate 🙂
Cristina: Embroidered blouse; Daniel Wellington Classic Black Sheffield Silver watch; Classic Cuff Silver;
Dorina: Polka dot blouse; Daniel Wellington Classic Black Sheffield Rose Gold watch; Classic Cuff Rose Gold;
Pfoaaai cate poze minunate!!! M-am oprit la cateva din ele, sa le studiez…minunateeeee!
Si florile astea de primavara…sunt atat de frumoase! 🙂
Imi plac ceasurile DW! 🙂
Multumim mult de tot! <3 Daa, florile fac totul mai frumos, sunt niste minuni! <3
Ce bluze frumoase aveţi, fetelor, iar fotografiile sunt de vis!
Multumim mult, Aurora! <3 :*
Ce frumoase sunteti!! Superbe bluzele. Nu stiu cum de găsiți numai locuri frumoase de pozat, e drept ca eu nici nu prea m-am mai plimbat in ultima perioada :P.
Am ratat si anul asta poze cu pomi, cu magnolia :(, off..
Va pup! Parul Dorinei este… wanted :D. Cris, sa nu te superi.
Multumim mult :*
Pai asta era la Piata Unirii, acolo, in rond si l-am vazut de multe ori cand am trecut prin zona 🙂
Magnoliile le-am ratat si noi. Am vazut o gramada minunate, dar toate erau prin curte pe la lume 😀
Multumesc frumos. Stii de ce imi statea asa bine? Era a doua sau a treia zi de la evenimentul Nivea :))) Nu mai aveam bucle, dar tot statea putin intors la varfuri 🙂
Te pupam! :*