
Feelin’ Dandy by Benefit Cosmetics

There’s no secret that we adore Benefit Cosmetics products, especially the travel size ones. The packaging it’s so cute, so it’s kind of impossible to not love them.

Today we will show you the Feelin ‘Dandy kit that we were so curious to try! It seems the perfect kit for a healthy and rosy complexion.

Like Benefit Cosmetics kits, Feelin ‘Dandy has a splendid box that looks like a little book with mirror.

Our favorite product from the kit is Dandelion, which can be used both as a powder and as a blush. We haven’t used it as a powder because we have dry skin, but we love it as a blush. It’s not very pigmented, but it’s perfect for a subtle look, gives us a discrete and pink flush.

Posie Tint is our second favorite from the kit. This pinkish fluid is multi purpose, too- can be used as blush and lip gloss. Brilliant, right? The little bottle and the brush make it look like a nail polish 🙂 Although it seems a very flashy pink in the swatches, it’s very discreet. It’s perfect for the girls with dry skin because it’s a fluid product and it makes your skin look healthier. You can apply it with your fingers or with a Beauty Blender. We like to apply it with fingers and then go back over it with a touch of Dandelion. They look brilliant together.

High Beam looks as cute as Posie Tint and can be used both as a highlighter on the cheeks or applied on brow bone. Has a pearly texture and offers a discreet and very nice, healthy glow.

Dandelion Ultra Plush is a lip gloss that helps us to complete the natural, pink look obtained with the other products from the kit. It’s not very pigmented, but offers a special glow to the lips and makes them look fuller. It smells brilliant like all the Benefit lip glosses and it’s not sticky at all.


Cred ca nu mai e un secret ca adoram produsele Benefit Cosmetics, cu atat mai mult pe cele travel size. Au un ambalaj atat de dragut, incat e cam imposibil sa nu le indragesti.

Astazi o sa va vorbim despre kit-ul Feelin’ Dandy care contine cateva produse pe care ne doream de foarte multa vreme sa le incercam. Ni se pare kit-ul perfect pentru a obtine un machiaj natural, cu un aspect sanatos si trandafiriu al tenului.

Ca toate kit-urile Benefit Cosmetics si Feelin’ Dandy are o cutiuta splendida ce seamana cu o carte cu oglinda si vine si cu instructiuni de aplicare a produselor.  Produsul nostru preferat din kit e Dandelion, ce poate fi folosit atat ca pudra, cat si ca blush. Noi nu am folosit-o ca pudra niciodata pentru ca avem tenul uscat, insa adoram sa o folosim ca blush. Nu e foarte pigmentata, insa pentru un look subtil de zi, e perfecta, iti ofera un aspect natural, o imbujorare discreta si rozalie.

Posie Tint e cel de-al doilea nostru favorit din kit. Si acest fluid rozaliu e multi-purpose- poate fi folosit atat pe post de blush, cat si pe post de luciu de buze. Genial, nu? Pensula si sticluta il fac sa semene cu un lac de unghii 🙂
Desi in swatch-uri pare un roz extrem de tipator, dupa ce il intindeti arata foarte discret. E perfect pentru fetele cu tenul uscat pentru ca e un produs fluid si nu face tenul sa arate si mai uscat decat e. Il puteti intinde cu degetele sau cu un buretel. Noua ne place sa il aplicam cu degetele si apoi sa revenim peste cu o tusa de Dandelion. Arata genial impreuna.

High Beam arata la fel de dragut ca si Posie Tint si poate fi folosit atat ca iluminator pe obraji, cat si aplicat sub sprancene. Are o textura perlata si ofera un glow discret si foarte frumos, sanatos.

Dandelion Ultra Plush e un gloss de buze care ne ajuta sa intregim look-ul natural si rozaliu al machiajului obtinut cu celelalte produse. Nu e foarte pigmentat, insa ofera o stralucire aparte buzelor si le face sa para mai pline. Miroase genial, ca toate luciurile de buze Benefit si nu e deloc lipicios.

Setul Feelin’ Dandy il gasiti pe Notino si costa 131 de lei. Tot aici gasiti si alte seturi si produse cosmetice Benefit, chiar au adus o multime de noutati in ultima vreme si preturile sunt mai accesibile decat in alta parte.

posie tint anotherside of me blog
benefit kits
benefit cosmetics mini kit
benefit cosmetics feelin' dandy review anotherside of me blog

feelin' dandy anotherside of me blog
feelin' dandy anotherside of me blog
feelin' dandy anotherside of me blog
benefit feelin' dandy swatches
feelin' dandy anotherside of me blog



























    • februarie 12, 2017 / 6:24 pm

      Daa, asa e, si noua ne place la nebunie 🙂

    • februarie 15, 2017 / 8:08 pm

      Multumim frumos! Si noua ne plac super mult! <3

  1. februarie 15, 2017 / 12:32 pm

    Cat de superbe sunt produsele astea! Imi plac la nebunieee, as putea sa le tin ca la expozitie, asa dragute sunt! Si imi place enorm fotografia cu Dorina! E perfecta <3 <3 <3

    • februarie 15, 2017 / 8:09 pm

      Daaaa, sunt super cute! <3
      Si mie imi place super mult 😀

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