It’s snowing so bad here, in Bucharest, but I’m happy that today I stay home. I sip my hot chocolate
while I’m coloring the „Enchanted Forest” book as you might have seen earlier on my Instagram page. I never thought that this activity can be so relaxing and exciting! In fact, to be totally honest I thought Johanna Basford’s books are bullshit but now I understand why it’s not good
to judge something before trying it 🙂
while I’m coloring the „Enchanted Forest” book as you might have seen earlier on my Instagram page. I never thought that this activity can be so relaxing and exciting! In fact, to be totally honest I thought Johanna Basford’s books are bullshit but now I understand why it’s not good
to judge something before trying it 🙂
After we’ve talked about colors, let’s move to noncolors 🙂 As you can see is today’s post I wore a monochrome outfit which rarely happens to me. Since I
saw these boots I imagined them combined with my bow shirt and a
short black skirt, so that’s how I wore them. I wanted a pair of over knee boots for such a long time and I was extremely happy when I found them on Yoins. They are flat, have fur inside, but the only drawback is that they are too tight. I can’t wear them with pants, but even so I love them so much, cause they are so pretty.
saw these boots I imagined them combined with my bow shirt and a
short black skirt, so that’s how I wore them. I wanted a pair of over knee boots for such a long time and I was extremely happy when I found them on Yoins. They are flat, have fur inside, but the only drawback is that they are too tight. I can’t wear them with pants, but even so I love them so much, cause they are so pretty.
The bag is also a new acquisition from Lovely Wholesale and I admit that I was expecting to be bigger because I always have so many things with me. Anyway, I love it cause it forces me to take just the necessary stuff. Looks very nice and is very practical, I can match it with everything and was a real bargain.
I’m going to watch some Youtube videos and finish my hot chocolate before it gets cold.
Have a great week, sweeties! :*
Afara ninge ca in povesti, iar eu sunt fericita ca azi nu sunt nevoita sa ies nicaieri si stau in casa si imi sorb linistita ciocolata calda in vreme ce colorez „Padurea Fermecata” primita cadou de la Activia.
Nu m-as fi gandit ca o astfel de activitate poate fi asa relaxanta si entuziasmanta. De fapt, cand mai vedeam la altii cartile Johannei Basford mi se pareau o porcarie si credeam ca au dat in mintea copiilor, dar acum inteleg de ce nu e bine sa judeci inainte sa incerci ceva 🙂 Daca vreti si voi cartea, o gasiti la reducere pe eMAG.
Dupa ce v-am vorbit despre culori, trecem la nonculori 🙂 Dupa cum puteti observa e una monocroma si nu am nici macar o pata de culoare, ceea ce rar mi se intampla. De cand am vazut cizmele astea mi le-am imaginat combinate cu camasa cu funda si cu o fusta neagra scurta si am dat curs acestui prim instinct si asa m-am imbracat. Pozele au fost facute exact in prima zi a anului si am tremurat serios, chiar si cu paltonul, efectiv nu mai simteam nimic, dar nu am vrut sa ma las pagubasa si mi-am dus planul la indeplinire.
Imi doream de super mult timp o pereche de cizme inalte, deasupra genunchilor, si am fost extrem de fericita cand le-am gasit pe acestea. Nu au nici toc, au blanita in interior, insa singurul dezavantaj e ca sunt foarte stranse pe picior. Nu le pot purta cu pantaloni si nici macar cu colanti pentru ca ma tin foarte tare in zona gambelor si a genunchilor. Oricum sper sa se lase, dar daca nu, le voi purta doar cu dres mai subtire pentru ca imi plac prea mult sa renunt la ele.
Gentuta e tot o achizite noua si recunosc ca ma asteptam sa fie mai mare, mai ales ca m-am invatat mereu sa car multe lucruri dupa mine, dar e buna pentru ca ma forteaza sa nu imi iau decat lucrurile necesare. Arata foarte dragut si e foarte practica, pot sa o asortez la absolut orice si a fost un adevarat chilipir.
Ma duc sa ma uit la videoclipuri si sa imi termin ciocolata inainte sa se raceasca. Apropo de videoclipuri, ati vazut cel mai recent clip de pe canalul nostru? Ne-am luat inima in dinti si am filmat primul clip de cooking, in care va invatam o reteta simpla, sanatoasa si delicioasa.
O saptamana superba si fara zapada! :*
O saptamana superba si fara zapada! :*
Shirt/Camasa: Oasap
Skirt/Fusta: Stradivarius
Scar/Esarfa: Zara
Draguuute cizmele!!!! 🙂
Daaa, si mie imi plac mult <3
Suuuuper outfit! Ti se potrivesc tare bine camasile acestea cu funda, imi place enorm cum iti vin! Cizmele sunt minunate, trebuie sa imi iau si eu cizme peste genunchi, eu-s mai mult cu botine and stuff :), dar ma gandesc serios acum si la o pereche de cizme!
Te pup, zambet luminos! O saptamana frumoasa in continuare!
Multumesc frumos!
Da, chiar simt ca mi se potrivesc foarte bine camasile de genul asta si imi plac la nebunie <3
Trebuie sa ai o pereche, arata super bine cu fuste si rochii 😀
Te pup!
Cat de frumoasa este tinuta! Imi place la nebunie, e ceva ce clar as purta! Imi place mult, mult de tot!
Ma bucur mult sa aud asta! ^_^
Multumesc frumos!
Cat de faine sunt cizmele! Stii cum e: iti doresti, iti doresti si pana la urma gasesti! 🙂
Ha, ha, chiar asa e :))
Adorabil look chiar si in alb si negru! dulce!
Multumesc frumos, Iuliana!
Te pup!
Supeeerba tinuta! Imi plac enorm cizmele, de cand caut o pereche de OTK fara toc! Si camasa e super draguta 🙂 Kisses
Multumesc frumos!
Am vazut multe modele cu toc, dar m-am gandit ca e mai ok fara ca sa pot sa le port mai des 😀
Te pup!
Very nice coat !
Ce dragut. 🙂