Although we took most of the photos for blog on weekends,
sometimes I chose to do this activity in the evening, after I came home from job. One of the reasons for doing that is that splendid sunset light or Golden Hour, which I already said how much I adore it. Another reason to love summer!
sometimes I chose to do this activity in the evening, after I came home from job. One of the reasons for doing that is that splendid sunset light or Golden Hour, which I already said how much I adore it. Another reason to love summer!
I chose a simple outfit, but chic and I felt super comfy and happy in it. During summer, I really love all the colors, but I don’t really get to wear all of them them as much as I would like. This is the case with green and therefore I took some measures and I ordered a top and a bag in this shade. I
love tops like this one, even if this model not suits me very well, but it’s important that I feel great in it and I can match easily with many pieces
from my wardrobe.
love tops like this one, even if this model not suits me very well, but it’s important that I feel great in it and I can match easily with many pieces
from my wardrobe.
For today I have chosen to match it with the
jeans, a green bag and my beloved spiky sandals that I wore like there is no tommorow lately 🙂
jeans, a green bag and my beloved spiky sandals that I wore like there is no tommorow lately 🙂
*** Do you like the new blog design? We changed it a few days ago and we think that looks more stylish and more professional this way. Looking forward to know your oppinion in comments 🙂
Desi majoritatea fotografiilor pentru blog le realizam in weekend-uri, uneori mai aleg sa fac pozele seara, dupa ce ies de la serviciu. Si acest lucru are clar unele beneficii, cum ar fi aceasta lumina splendida, de la apus, pe care v-am mai spus si in alte postari cat de mult o ador. Inca un motiv in plus sa iubesti vara. Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc cat de oribil e iarna: si frig si lumina proasta si zi prea scurta. Ma apuca negativismul doar cand ma gandesc 🙂
Revenind la postarea de azi: am ales o tinuta simpla, dar chic in care m-am simtit super bine. Vara ador culorile, insa unele nuante parca nu prea ajung sa le port pe cat de mult mi-as dori. Asa se intampla si cu verdele si de aceea am luat masuri si mi-am comandat un maiou si o geanta in aceasta nuanta.
Imi place foarte mult maioul chiar daca nu mi se potriveste foarte bine acest model, important e ca ma simt foarte bine in el si ca il pot asorta foarte usor cu multe piese din garderoba mea. Pentru azi am ales sa il asortez cu jeansi, o geanta tot intr-o nuanta de verde si sandalele pe care „mi s-a pus pata” in ultima vreme 🙂
Weekend minunat!
*Va place noua interfata a blogului? L-am schimbat acum cateva zile si ni se pare ca arata mult mai profi si mai elegant asa. Asteptam parerile voastre in comentarii 🙂
Tank Top/Maiou: Bershka
Jeans: Choies
Bag/Geanta: Zaful
Sandals: Lovely Wholesale
Bracelet/Bratara: Soufeel
Si eu iubesc Golden Hour-ul, mi se pare ca da o nota de romantism oricarei poze. 🙂
Tinuta ta e foarte frumoasa si imi place mult.
Noua interfata a bolgului? E superrr! Intr-adver, arata foarte profi. 🙂
Exact, mi-ar placea sa fac mereu poze sa prind lumina aia 😀
Multumesc frumos!
Ne bucuram mult ca iti place!
Blogul arata suuper, e mult mai aerisit si profi, totul este la locul lui si imi place mult, mult!! <3
In ceea ce te priveste, esti prea scumpa! <3 Imi place asa mult cand zambesti, transmiti fericire! Imi place mult si tinuta, pare foarte relaxanta dar in acelasi timp are si doza necesara de "chic-ness" :)))) (nu cred ca exista acest cuvant dar mi s-a parut mie potrivit!)
Gentuta e suuuper dragalasa,love, love it!
Te pupiiiicesc!
Yeee, ne bucuram mult ca iti place! <3
Multumesc frumos, cutie! ^_^
Ador sa zambesc, asa ca ma bucur mult sa aud asta :))
Si topul si geanta imi plac mult de tot, arati grozav! Pup
Multumesc frumos, Georgiana! :*
ahhh, blogul arata super! great job girls! imi place si tinuta, in special gentuta, vai ce frumoasa este 🙂 va pup fetelor :*
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
Ne bucuram ca iti place! ^_^
Multumesc frumos!
Cris mie mi se pare ca topul asta iti sta foarte bine si daca te si simti asa…Te pup cu drag
Multumesc frumos, Andreea!
am cumparat o pereche de sandale identice de la Zara 🙂
Pai sandalele astea cred ca sunt o copie Zara 😀