The central piece of today’s outfit is definitely the baby blue bag that has a royal name: Josephine. I loved it from the first moment I saw it on the site and when I received it, I was happy to see that it looks even better than online. I love everything about it: the shape, size, how it is divided and especially the beautiful color, perfect for summer. After pink, my second favorite color is bleu ciel or baby blue, however you want to call it, so it’s not surprising that I adore it.
This time I opted for an unusual outfit for me-I haven’t matched any item, although I usually tend to fit at least two pieces together. Another element that it’s not so me is the mini skirt -I usually don’t wear such models because they don’t seem to fit me (neither my body nor my personality), but somehow I liked this one. It has a beautiful color and nice fabric, so I made an exception and keep it in my wardrobe.
I wore for the first time the Ashtar chain from Beatrix Color (you can read on the site what benefits has this rock) because it seemed that fits well with the outfit. I have already showed you accessories created by Beatrice: they are unique and have something special, they seem from a story with fairies and elves, at least for me. I don’t know if you remember the ring that looked like a crystal ball, the one that I wore in my B-day post, but it really looks like a ring with magical powers. You can find the chain on the site along with a variety of stones, you can choose depending on your favorite color, zodiacal sign or their symbolism.
And in case you’re wondering what I’ve been doing with that lip balm? When I left the house, the courier came with a set of lip balms from Nivea, so if I had it in the bag and I’ve said why not use it , so I chose the pink one, my favorite: )
Have a great weekend!
Vedeta postarii de azi e cu siguranta geanta baby blue ce are si un nume regal: Josephine. M-am indragostit de ea din prima clipa in care am vazut-o pe Adona si cand am primit-o, am fost bucuroasa sa constat ca arata chiar mai bine decat online. Imi place totul la ea: forma, marimea, cum e compartimentata, dar mai ales culoarea superba, perfecta pentru vara. Dupa roz, a doua mea culoare favorita e bleu ciel sau baby blue, cum vreti sa ii spuneti, asa ca nu e de mirare ca o ador.
Hehheee, multe dintre imagini, prospetimea si cromatica tinutei m-au trimis cu gandul la o postare de tip – outfit pentru prima zi de scoala (voi ati avut asa ceva)! Dar sa mai lasam vacanta, pleaaaseee! :))
Minunata geanta Adona, superba! Sa o porti cu mare drag!
Lavender Thoughts
Multumesc, Ilda! Da, am avut tinute back to school, chiar e potrivita pentru scoala o tinuta de genul asta 😀
Te pup!
Este foarte draguta geanta…si intregul outfit…ti-am mai spus ca imi place charm-ul cu fluturas nu? :*
Multumesc frumos! Da, si mie imi place fluturasul la nebunie 🙂
hi bw here! nice blog! come to my blog too, and please follow my blog! I'll follback your blog after you follow my blog! here my blog URL:
Thank you! I will check your blog
esti tare dragalasa! pupici
Multumesc frumos, Stella! te pup!
Super draguta tinuta, te prinde de minune!
Multumesc, Iuliana! :*
Ce frumoasa este culoarea gentutei ♥ imi plac mult culorile din outfitul tau!
Multumesc! Si eu ador nuanta, e preferata mea momentan 🙂
mie mi se pare ca te prinde foarte bine lungimea fustei. 😀
imi place ca albastrul gentutei nu se mai regaseste in tinuta. 🙂
Parca mai m-am obisnuit cu ea, dar nu e ceva ce as purta in mod normal 🙂
Te pup!
Tare frumos se completează rozul fustiţei cu nuanţa pastelată a genţii! ♥
Să vă bucuraţi de un weekend minunat! ♥ ♥
Multumesc, Mihaela! Si mie mi-a placut mult combinatia!
Te pup!
Ce frumoasa ste aceasta tinuta! Gentuta, fusta, bluza, sandalele, toate se potrivesc de minune! Big like! Kisses!!
Multumesc frumos! Ma bucur mult ca iti place! Te pup!
Foarte frumoasa combinatia de culori!! <3
Multumesc frumos, Andreea! :*
E superba geanta! Sa aveti un weekend frumos, fetelor! :*
Multumesc frumos, Georgiana! Te pup!
Very pretty 🙂 I like also the new design of your blog
Thank you so much, Ana! :*
Gentuta e delicioasa! Si da, imi aduc aminte de inelul glob, l-am remarcat si atunci. 🙂
Multumesc, Mihaela! Pupici!
Ti se potriveste foarte mult stilul asta girly mai ales cand in tinuta se afla si roz :D. Ori mi se pare pentru ca asa te-am cunoscut, nu-mi dau seama.
Anyway, geanta aia mi-a furat ochii in toate pozele, pare foarteee calitativa. Iar nuanta e de nota 10. Fix baby blue de-asta vreau eu un sacou si i gentuta .
Kisses! Have fun la mareeee!!! Unde sunteti?
What a beautiful bag and a beautiful girl to match! Based off of this outfit, I think you would like these pieces, too
Ah, ce geantă frumoasă! Foarte drăguță ținuta! 🙂
O am si eu pe Josephine!!! Dar pe negru! 😀
Ce frumos ai combinat culorile! Imi plac mult gentuta si fustita <3
Va pup, fete dragi!
Cuteness overload!! As purta tinuta asta fara sa ma gandesc o clipa, ador toate piesele, culorile, tot! <3 <3 <3 <3