
Burgundy Hearts Shirt Giveaway (international)

Hi, my lovelies! I have a cute giveaway for you and I’m pretty sure that all the fashionistas would appreciate the prize. It’s the lovely burgundy shirt with hearts that became famous among fashion bloggers around the world. We also have it in our wardrobe and is one of our favorites 🙂

This pretty shirt can be yours. All you have to do :

1. Add a comment on the product page via Facebook account to show your love to the shirt :


2. Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AnothersideOfMeBlog

3. Follow our blog through Bloglovin or GFC;

4.  Tell me you have done it by leaving me a comment following this post.

Share is optional and if you share this post, please leave another
comment just with the share link, so I will count you twice.

One lucky winner will be picked 5 days later.

**** The heart shirt will be only $9.99 on 27th Feb GMT.
Here is an inner coupon for you, my lovely fans: 10offheartshirt
It can save you another 10% for the heart shirt on 27th Feb only.

Buna dragelor!
Avem un giveaway foarte dragut pentru voi, perfect pentru Martisor. Sunt sigura ca toate stiti deja minunata camasuta cu inimioare care a facut furori printre bloggeritele de fashion din intreaga lume.
Si noi o avem in garderoba si e una din preferatele noastre 🙂

Una dintre voi o poate castiga la acest giveaway.

Iata ce trebuie sa faceti:

1. sa lasati un comentariu in care sa spuneti parerea voastra despre aceasta camasa aici ;

2. dati like paginii de Facebook a blogului: https://www.facebook.com/AnothersideOfMeBlog ;

3. urmariti blogul prin Google Friend Connect sau Bloglovin ;

4. lasati un comentariu la aceasta postare in care sa imi spuneti ca ati comentat pe site-ul Romwe, numele cu care ati dat like pe FAacebook, pe Bloglovin sau GFC si adresa voastra de mail.

Optional: dati share acestei postari si lasati separat intr-un alt comentariu link-ul de share.

Voi alege o castigatoare peste 5 zile, pe 4 martie.


In caz ca doriti sa fiti sigure ca veti avea o astfel de camasa in garderoba, o puteti cumpara pe 27 februarie, cand va costa doar 10 dolari. Mai mult, daca folositi codul 10offheartshirt veti mai avea o reducere de 10%.

And don’t miss out!

Burgundy Heart Shirt, $9.99 on 27th Feb only!

300 pieces for $9.99 here!

Up to 70% off on best sellers, check out here!

Later edit:

The winner of the burgundy shirt is:

Congrats Samantha!




  1. februarie 25, 2014 / 10:52 pm

    Done! Love this shirt.. fingers crossed ^^
    GFC: kaysea
    FB: Kathryn C. Flores

  2. februarie 26, 2014 / 2:19 am

    Done all the steps dear!
    Cherry Ann Punzal
    Shared posts (FB) : https://www.facebook.com/cherryann.punzal/posts/295992160554875?stream_ref=10
    Twitter link: https://twitter.com/anncherryp/status/438495978560425984
    Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/anncherryp/anotherside-dorinablogspotcom/
    Google plus: https://plus.google.com/112574797962427332941/posts/2aWDjaA8TsF
    .( '◕¸◕' )
    (,,,,)♥(,,,,) Thank you for sharing this awesome giveaway! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

  3. februarie 26, 2014 / 7:01 am

    Adorable blouse & what a steal! Lovely blog you have here! Looking forward to your future posts ;D

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.

  4. februarie 26, 2014 / 1:04 pm

    wow, thanks! fingers crossed.
    Fb/bloglovin: Cogito Ergosum
    Pinterest: cogitoergosum71
    Gfc: Isa Val
    Twitter: @luvalz
    mail cogitoergosum8587@yahoo.it

  5. Voicu Andreea
    februarie 26, 2014 / 8:38 pm

    Gata am facut toti pasii 😀

  6. februarie 26, 2014 / 10:08 pm


  7. februarie 27, 2014 / 3:45 am

    Hi, I joined! 🙂
    GFC: Shekinah
    FB: Shekinah Joy Gapay

  8. februarie 27, 2014 / 9:01 am

    Am comentat <3 (cu Fii mai frumoasa)
    FB: Elena Andreea Ciucu
    GFC: Elena Andreea
    Mail: helen_9018@yahoo.com

  9. februarie 28, 2014 / 8:57 am

    Am comentat! 🙂
    Fb si GFC: Papadiile Ruxandrei
    e-mail: danaida_mail at yahoo dot com

  10. februarie 28, 2014 / 9:35 am

    Am comentat! Gabriella D.Gabriella
    Facebook Gabriella D.Gabriella
    GFC Gabriella G.
    Bloglovin Gabriella D.Gabriella
    Mail danusya_be_one@yahoo.com

  11. martie 1, 2014 / 2:50 am

    I've commented on Romwe's product page.
    I'm following your on GFC & liked your FB page.
    My facebook & GFC name is Divya Asha
    My email: fb_asha@yahoo.com

  12. martie 1, 2014 / 4:50 pm

    Done and shared in facebook too 🙂

  13. martie 1, 2014 / 9:35 pm

    Love the shirt, so pretty.
    FB: Rayna Miller
    Bloglovin: Rayna M

  14. martie 2, 2014 / 12:59 pm

    thank you for this lovely giveaway!
    Posted my comment fb Jens ken Lundstrom
    GFCHelena Oops
    FBJens ken Lundstrom
    Crossed fingers!

  15. martie 2, 2014 / 5:36 pm

    Bloglovin: tinast
    Facebok: Tina Ivanisevic

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