
Grifid Marea Hotel Golden Sands, Bulgaria

  Vara asta am reusit sa bifam o destinatie care e atat de accesibila pentru noi, romanii, dar pe care cumva o lasam la coada listei,  aparand mereu alte locatii de vizitat.  Da, e vorba de Bulgaria si ale ei Nisipuri de Aur. E o locatie foarte iubita de majoritatea romanilor si am vrut sa vedem ce e cu acest hype creat in jurul statiunii, daca merita sau nu renumele pe care il are. Am…

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Bulgarian road trip: Durankulak, Shabla, Tyulenovo

  Chances are that when you think of fields of lavender, sunny Provence is the first place that comes to mind.  Did you think of Bulgaria? It may come as a surprise that Bulgaria has become in recent years the largest producer of lavender in the world. We knew that Bulgarians are famous for rose essential oil, but we just had no idea about lavender until our social networks feed was filled with photos in…

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